Thursday, June 11, 2015

Recent Discussions on Haikuports No Word Processor!

As has been said for well over a year....and thoughly discussed in "the post they didn't want you to read" Haiku does not support shared memory, Haiku literally cannot build GTK applications. It also cannot build a version of Cairo that will build a version of Pango that Firefox requires. 

Haiku needs kernel work, but it will not be done. Haiku needs to be capable of building all its libraries within itself. Haiku needs to stick to one architecture so patches produce consistant results. It needs to be able to use up to date tools like GCC4 reliably. But it cannot.

And that is not even counting the poor read only design and poorly thought out and tedious design of Haikuports that places a library version in an unopportune location. It does not resolve issues with library versioning. That is what configure scripts are for.

Absolutely no reason anyone should have to maintain a broken and GTKless Abiword fork just for Haiku. Its stupid because its too much work for the maintainer who will probably never get his changes folded in. Porting and folding in is already is a lot of work.

But the decision makers at Haiku are stubbornly determined to keep Haiku broken. Maybe some cross compiling methods might provide a the manner Tiltos showed its promise. But it had to full scale replace libraries that came with Haiku. But with the broken linker and unreliable symboling this might not even be an option any more.

When asked to implement shared memory, Axel and Ingo responded as if shared memory was improper...and now we are in the second rate application situation we are in.

So no, I don't believe the current leadership has the smallest chance of delivering a fully funtional BeOS replacement. Because the group doesn't have the knowledge to recognize when they are being told critical information.

There are numerous and complicated and near impossible to explain reasons why Richie Nhyus will not get his word processor any time soon. The reasons he won't are outlined in the post he deleted from the forum and that was saved and posted here. The same post he, Polkamandy and numerous others callously described as trolling.

How do you like that?

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